Claim Your Listing Now – The Spiritualist Directory Re-Launches

We’ve operated website since 2003 as a free directory of Spiritualist Churches and we’ve had so much positive support over the years – Thank You.

But keeping a free directory up-to-date is difficult. Often Spiritualist Centres or Groups close down without us knowing and their entries on the directory remain open until someone lets us know.

Complete Review of Directory Listings

In April 2020 we reviewed the entire directory and removed any Churches & Centres where we couldn’t find an online footprint. So hopefully, we have only removed all the listings that have closed, but if your Church or Centre is not listed, please re-add it here!

All the listings on the directory should now be active Churches and Centres that you can visit. 

Added Facebook Links

In addition to the basic contact details we have also added links to Facebook Groups or Pages for each Church/Centre where they exist.

This will allow visitors to research each Church/Centre before attending so they have confidence that it is still open and has an active community behind it.

Claim Your listing

Finally, to maintain the directory going forward we have added the ability to ‘Claim Your Listing’ and manage the contents yourself.

Simply search for your Church/Centre and click the ‘CLAIM LISTING’ button.  You will need to create an account on our website with just some basic details.

Listings will need to be reconfirmed annually to ensure that they remain current.  Once you have claimed your listing you will receive an annual email with a confirmation link.

All Still Free-of-Charge

Basic listings on our directory will remain free for non-profit Churches/Centres, however we are also exploring the addition of other categories.  


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