Frank White, My Journey with Spiritualism (4 parts)

My Journey with Spiritualism – Part 3.

In August 2015 my wife Mavis passed to Spirit. Within days I started to feel and see signs that she was around me, her perfume, cigarette smoke and then feathers and just a feeling she was there. Sometimes when I questioned in my mind whether I should do something I would feel a warm arm around my shoulders, and I know she was saying yes go for it. On other occasions I’d sit thinking about her and perhaps asking why something happened the way it did, and I would hear her voice giving me the answer. One day I asked her ‘why did you say that to me?’ and I heard her voice say ‘ because I knew you would react the way you did, and that was what I needed you to do’. 

This happened a lot over the next 9 months. In June 2016, I went to a Public Demonstration of Mediumship and when I came home I started to think that I need to be with people and talk to people who understand this and can help me to understand what I’m experiencing and answer some questions I have about it. So I thought where do I start, where do I go to find these people. A thought came into my head and it said go to a Spiritualist Church, they will help you. I thought about which one to go to, and at that moment it came to me, where else would you want to be other than the Church your Grandmother served all those years ago? The following Sunday I went along to Thundersley Christian Spiritualist Church. The moment I walked in and sat down, I knew that was where I was meant to be. I felt so comfortable and I was made so welcome, people I’d never met came and talked to me and after the Service gave me a cup of tea. That first night I said ‘I just want some answers, I just need help to understand what I am experiencing’ and they were so understanding and supportive. I came home that night and I just knew that was where I belonged, I was meant to go there, I think my Grandmother guided me to that location. I just knew I had found what I needed, and I felt Mavis was telling how pleased she was for me.

That first visit to our Church was 4 years ago. During those 4 years I have sat in Circles, attended Workshops, watched Mediums work, trained as a Spiritualist Healer and I am now Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient, that is to say I see, hear, feel and sense Spirit. I am a Qualified Spiritual Healer and I have attended Workshops and Courses outside the Church and visited other Churches to increase my knowledge. At the Church for a long time I talked about how much I knew and had experienced with Spirit, my knowledge of Religion, my past activities in Church, but I always insisted that I didn’t want a job. I didn’t sit on committees and I didn’t want a title. So what has changed all that then? Well about a year or so after I first joined the Church, as I became more involved in Church activities and attended more things I became aware that I was being told by Spirit that there was a space I could fill on the Church Committee, so I asked to join. Well I have to say I felt I was welcomed with open arms. To start with I was quite happy to just help out where I was needed, offer a helping hand when I could. Often people would say you could do more, you know? With your background you could give an Address, and I always said yes I could, but I don’t feel I’m ready yet. I feel I will know when the time is right, Spirit will tell me. Then I suppose you might say I made the fatal error on my part, in the course of discussion one night it got round to what I had previously done in Churches and I said ‘ rest assured that I walk in here one night and you tell me that if I don’t take the platform we won’t be able to have a Service, I won’t let that happen, I won’t let those doors close’. A few days later I got an email saying we haven’t got anyone to give the address for the Christmas Carol Service, can someone help please? Needless to say I gave that Address, so that night earlier that week I didn’t make a fatal error did I? What I did was I set the wheels in motion for all that has followed since. That night I invited someone to give me that push I needed, and now I’m glad I did that and I don’t regret it one bit, I have gone on  to Chair Services, organise Clairvoyant Nights, Social Occasions and so much more. In December 2019, the Church needed a Mediums Secretary and I was asked if I would take it on, I said I would with some help and guidance, and 6 months on I’m told I’m doing well.

Find the rest of Frank’s Journey Here –

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