The Measure of Us is by the Love in our Hearts.

Good Evening Friends,

It’s lovely to be at home at my own Church, so I feel very privileged to be able to work here.

I’ve had some words going around in my head since earlier on.

I believe it doesn’t matter who we are, where we come from in the world, what religion we are or what we believe, that the measure of a man or a woman, the measure of us is by the love in our hearts.

And it doesn’t matter for all the material goods in the world and all the treasures in the world, I believe that we are not equal to the gifts that we have to give to one another,  it’s about when we give out our love and our kindness.

I believe that there is not one soul on this Earth plane who is overlooked by the Great Spirit, by God, by our Creator, because I believe that we are all a part of that wonderful plan of life.  Of that rhythm and harmony, and how we choose to live within that harmony is up to us.  For I believe that we have all been given free will, and nobody can tell us how we should live our lives or walk our pathway in life.

Yet we have a responsibility, we have a personal responsibility to each other and to our planet.  I believe we have all the knowledge and all the understanding that we need within us, and as we walk this pathway in life; we may fall down many times and have to pick ourselves up again, with all the experiences we have, whether they are good or bad.

That is how we learn and how we gain the knowledge and understanding.  Many people, I’ve heard say, as we come in to this new year 2018, what a terrible world it is that we live in, and people have said there is so much evil and bad in the world.  But I believe there is not one person on this Earth plane who is not capable of giving out that love to one another.  

I believe that it doesn’t matter because we are here on this Earth plane to learn, and this Earth plane is our school of learning. There are people on this Earth Plane who have many, many lessons still to learn.  But we are so lucky for as Spiritualists we know, we have that knowledge and understanding, that it is so simple, that it is just about giving out our love and our kindness.  This is our time to shine and to show others that it is about our love and having a positive mind, and being positive, that matters.

I believe that love cannot be broken by death and that our loved ones come around us.  They come around us to give us that upliftment and encouragement.  They know how difficult life is on the Earth plane, because they have already walked that journey. They come around us and they are overjoyed when we have to overcome those hurdles in life and to watch us go forward.  They know more than anybody, that the greatest lessons that we learn in life are the lessons of joy.  When we receive joy in our life and also when we receive great sadness.

So friends, as we go forward into the Spring, and we see the beauty of the spring flowers, the daffodils and the crocuses and the bulb, remember like those flowers, it is our turn to shine, our turn to give out that love.  For we all have so much to give.

Thank you for listening and God Bless.

  • This is a transcript of a Spiritual address given by Fleur Elliott during our Divine Service on 11th February  2018, at Thundersley Christian Spiritualist Church.

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Source: Thundersley

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