The Winds of Change – Poem by Brenda Hodgson

The Winds of Change blew from the East.

It came without warning with speed that did not cease.

Not a building or landscape or sea did it disturb.

It blew in silently, calmly but with force to perturb.

The effect on mankind was like a gift to the blind.

The winds blew the cobwebs from their hearts and their minds.

‘Fear not!’ Said the wind ‘I blow in love and peace.’

So that the Warriors of Light can rise up and the enemy defeat.

The Warriors rose up in valour, no fear did they hold.

The Winds of Change is our ally for truth to be told.

No structure or building or landscape did it move.

The wind though strong came with peace and love.

So humanity could rise up and cry out.

‘We are Free! We are Sovereign! We are Divine! We are Devout!’

The Winds of Change blew the evil away.

No longer could it withstand the cry and the fray.

Of humanity rising in unison, in love and as One.

Taking hold of the baton and run and run.

To freedom, release, happiness and joy.

The Winds of Change was God saying ‘Yes! That was my ploy!’

Be Free my beloveds, my people, my own.

And fly like the wind till you choose to come home’.

Inspired by Spirit and written by Brenda Hodgson

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