Spirit Inspired Writing – ‘That Special Lady’ – A Poem By Stan Thomas

Spirit can inspire us in many ways, it’s not always as distinctive as a TRANCE experience. Spirit can guide, help and inspire us in very subtle ways. I never tire of hearing about peoples experiences with such inspirements!

So when a friend offered to share his experience of being guided/inspired by Spirit I was excited to hear about it…

Meet Stan, a 93 year old member of our local Spiritualist Church, who only began attending the churchs when he lost his wife a few years ago, he has been looking for proof, for comfort that his wife is living on and is still around him. He was once told, during a message through a Spirit Medium that he would write some poetry. To this he laughed and said ‘No! not me, I can’t write poetry!’

Stan didn’t completely dismiss the idea, he decided to sit in the evening and attempt some words… he sat for good few nights but nothing came – he began to get frustrated and said out loud to himself (and to the Spirit World) “This is the last time I will try to write poetry!”

As soon as he said this the words ‘That Special Lady’ came into his head. “Arrrrh, a title?” he thought – quickly writing it down… then easily, further words came and whole two page were written out before him!

Stan went on to write a further two poems about his wife, to this day he swears that he was inspired by Spirit… here is the first of his poems, which I am sure you will agree read as though written by an experienced poet!

That Special Lady – Part One.

It was at a Dance Hall some 70 years ago, I was on a blind date,
To see That Special Lady, who was to become my best mate.

She was a picture of beauty, a vision, a sight to be seen,
That Special Lady who was dressed all in Green.

A taffeta flared dress, that rustled when she walked by,
That Special Lady – who’s hair, auburn and gingery, that made me sigh.

Who’s legs were so shapely, her figure so trim,
That Special Lady who’s heart I had to win.

I decided that this was the lady I had to make my own,
That Special Lady with whom to spend my life with, I couldn’t moan.

I won her heart, on 15th December, in ’45 we got married,
That Special Lady, I had won, I needn’t have worried.

She was so beautiful and cuddly, the love of my life,
We had over 69 years being married – That Special Lady, my Wife.

Every year that went by our love grew and grew,
That Special Lady, I had devoted my whole life to.

She began to blossom as we got close and near,
That Special Lady that made her love for me so dear.

Everything we did together, as just one,
That Special Lady that gave me our first born son.

She named him Paul, he became the love of our life,
That Special Lady raised and protected him from all the strife.

There came two more, our Barry and Penny,
That Special Lady made light of our problems so many.

We had our troubles, there was lots going on,
That Special Lady just smiled, we kissed and they were gone.

Those children grew up and left to get married,
That Special lady helped each one, their burdens she carried.

The grandchildren came, there were so few,
That Special Lady became their shelter, a place they knew.

Where her love could encompass all that came by,
That Special Lady loved all that came nigh.

And so now she has gone, I miss her so much,
That Special Lady – my ‘JUNEY’ – but most of all, her soft touch.

Sleep well my darling, be peaceful and rest,
That Special Lady who always knew best.

I kissed her lips, I gave her a hug, she gave me a smile,
That Special Lady breathed her last breath, and she passed away in my arms, such was her style.

So once more, I Love You, and I miss you so,
That Special Lady that had to go.

So I came to a Spiritual Church, so that I may hear,
From That Special Lady, whom I loved so much, I hoped to be near.

Farewell my Darling, my heart is so broken, I am lost to be explicit,
That Special Lady who passed away, is now in Spirit.

So goodbye my sweet love, my life is so empty, I will love you forever, my sweet June,
That Special Lady I long for, to be with you soon.

I sigh – my Special Lady – Goodbye.

  • Stanley Thomas – Who was Inspired by Spirit to write this.

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