Maldon Spiritual Centre

Maldon Spiritual Centre
Plantation Hall
King George V Playing Field
Colchester Road
Post Code
Contact Name
Jeanie Jackson 
Telehone Number
07710 415703
Long Description

Last Friday every Month
Evening of Clairvoyance 7. 30pm
£4 Entrance
£3 for over 65's
Draw for 3 free private readings for the next month, monthly
Private readings with 3+ Mediums available all evening
£10 for 15 minutes
Effective Mediums every month
Spiritual healing available before Clairvoyance and in break
donations are very welcome for healing but not necessary, these go to Remus Horse Sanctuary via our healer Alison Lamont
Tea, coffee and chocolate biscuits
Information Table
Healing book
Non profit centre ..local animal charities supported

✅ VERIFIED via online sources, May 2024.

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