Lightening Your Emotional Baggage on the Path to Psychic Awareness.

Developing psychic awareness involves developing ourselves as spiritual people.  If we wish to call in the highest and best guides and helpers to assist us, we need to aim to be the best that we can be.

Many people carry around all kinds of negative baggage, such as anger and grudges against other people, and negative thoughts and behaviours.  If we can manage to step aside from the emotion and the details of the things we carry, we can recognise that every single negative thing that we deal with has the potential to teach us something useful.

It would be very easy to be spiritual people if we isolated ourselves from life.  It is actually the challenges we face when dealing with other people and the things they do or don’t do that makes it more difficult to stay focused on our ideal spiritual thoughts and behaviour.  It can be very difficult to step aside from emotion to recognise the lesson that is being offered.  But it can be very rewarding when we do manage to do this.

The easiest way to examine these situations and events is in our meditation period.  This allows us to consciously look for the lesson, and therefore the solution to the difficulty.   Being spiritual doesn’t mean giving in or giving up.  It means working out what is really going on when the emotion is taken out of the situation and blame is taken away.  This can clarify things greatly, allowing us to move forward.  It doesn’t mean we have to have meaningful friendships with everyone, it just means that we aim to harm no one, with word or deed.

Sometimes, just about recognising that the grudges and negative feelings we hold about other people actually harm us, and rarely affect them.  If these people have hurt us once, why let them go on doing it by holding on to the anger and hurt.  We can release it with the help of God and the healing angels, and free ourselves to feel lighter.

These are all things we can aim for. When we find we don’t quite make perfect, we can agree not to blame ourselves but to keep on trying.  This is the surest way of attracting the highest and best guides and helpers to us to work with spirit.